Improved broadband infrastructure is on the way for Logan Reserve and Chambers Flat as Logan City Council pushes to improve digital infrastructure and connectivity in the city.
The $2.4 million project will upgrade existing broadband connections to high-speed Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) at more than 350 properties over the next 12 to 18 months and lay the foundation for further upgrades in the area.
It is one of the key outcomes of the City of Logan Digital Infrastructure and Connectivity Program, which has been supported by a grant from the Queensland Government.
Council established the program in 2021 to ensure residents can access next-generation telecommunications services required to support increased demands from traditional and future industries and a rapidly growing population.
Economic Development Chair, Councillor Jon Raven, said Council had taken the lead in advocating for better services on behalf of residents and businesses, despite telecommunications not being a local government responsibility.
“Reliable internet isn’t a convenience anymore; it’s a necessity – both for our residents’ quality of life and for our businesses to compete globally,” Cr Raven said.
“Our Digital Infrastructure and Connectivity Program is built on an evidence-based business case, which has been endorsed by the Queensland Government.
“It’s a Queensland-first approach to look at the gaps across the city so we can provide clear data to ask those responsible to fund the necessary improvements.”
Cr Raven said the business case had identified a priority project to improve internet access for properties currently using older technology.
“We have the funds to kickstart this immediately in Chambers Flat and Logan Reserve but are playing a long game to attract more funding and/or commitments from other levels of government and the telcos to further uplift the network over the next decade,” he said.
Division 8 Councillor Jacob Heremaia said the infrastructure upgrades were great for local residents.
“More and more people are working from home and using the internet for essential everyday business needs,” Cr Heremaia said.
“I encourage residents in the project zone to keep an eye out for information in their mailbox from Council and the contractor for project information.”
Council has also investigated the opportunity to facilitate the design and construction of a world-class multifunctional data centre in the City of Logan, and is now engaging with public and private industry players to progress it.
The multifunctional data centre will enhance existing and future business capabilities and revolutionise advanced technologies within the city to create jobs and new economic opportunities.
The City of Logan Digital Infrastructure and Connectivity Program was developed with the support of the Queensland Government.
It was also endorsed as a key priority in the City of Logan Advocacy Strategy 2021-2024.
State Minister for Digital Services Mark Bailey said the Palaszczuk Government was pleased to have supported Logan City Council with a $2.5 million investment for this and other projects.
“This investment will support more households and local businesses in the Logan City Council area,” Minister Bailey said.
Learn more about the Digital Infrastructure and Connectivity Program, including the FTTP upgrade project, at
The upgraded infrastructure will be delivered by Opticomm.
Find out how you can be connected to NBN internet from the moment you move into Willow Logan Reserve, at